6 de novembro de 2009


Eduardo Pereira
I missed you last friday night.
Things don't worked as usual.
The music don't had the same happiness.
The beer don't had the same taste.
The friends don't had the same trust.
"Snowball" don't had the same value.

Things just went the wrong way.

I missed you kisses.
I missed your freedom.
I missed your politeness.
I missed people looking at us and thinking "what she saw on it?".

It's strange, because a few fridays ago I was so happy and trustful.
I missed the way you embrace me too.
It was hard to not turn that left corner in my way back home.
The light was on that time.
But I went straight my way.

It was a missing friday,
a friday to forget.

Um comentário:

Greta disse...

de buques on de taibol...pero no mucho.